Platanus Exclamation!®
Uniform & upright pyramidal shape.
Exclamation!® has a strong central leader and uniform, strongly upright pyramidal shape. The tree is densely branched, particularly as a young tree. Foliage: Medium green, deeply palmate-lobed foliage cloaks the tree all summer, with an occasional brief display of yellow color in the fall. Bark: Develops attractive exfoliating bark, as expected of planetrees, at an early age. The mottled brown, green, and tan bark peels off in large plates revealing patches of interior bark in varying shades of cream to white. Fruit: Very light fruiting as a young tree. Older specimens are exhibiting less fruiting than other planetrees. Exclamation!® works very well in large parking lot islands, median strip plantings, as a residential street tree, or as a landscape shade tree. London planetrees are noted for excellent tolerance to difficult urban conditions and Exclamation!™ is no exception, with a high tolerance for air pollution, poor drainage, compacted soil, and/or drought. Exclamation!™ with its superior adaptability, hardiness, disease resistance and unique upright, dense habit lends itself to a multitude of landscape applications. Consider Exclamation!® as an ash (Fraxinus) replacement. Exclamation!® is a sister seedling to Ovation™, an additional hybrid London planetree introduced by Chicagoland Grows® from the tree breeding program at The Morton Arboretum, selected for its hardiness, vigor, and broad spreading habit.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Exclamation! London planetree
Botanical Name:Platanus xacerifolia 'Morton Circle'

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Tolerant of poor soils, but adaptable to many
Moisture:Tolerance to drought and extended flooding
Hardiness Zone4-8
Size:60' tall by 35' wide
Diseases & Pests:Highly resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Exclamation!® is a selection of the London planetree resulting from a controlled cross by Dr. George Ware at The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois. Dr. Ware crossed P. orientalis from the U.S. National Arboretum with an anthracnose-resistant P. occidentalis growing at The Morton Arboretum. The original plant of Exclamation!™ has been observed since 1994.