Malus Fruit Snacks® All Red™
The first red-fleshed apple for home gardens!
Easy to grow and care for due to their size, Fruit Snacks® columnar apples are ideal choices for small spaces. Trees grow 8-10’ tall and should be planted on 2’ centers for best results. Their cold hardiness and disease resistance make them a reliable choice for an edible privacy hedge or as accent plants in large containers. Like other apples, you will need two different varieties for pollination. Most Fruit Snacks™ apples bloom mid-season and will be good pollinizers for the others.
An apple like no other, All Red™ welcomes spring with lovely, magenta-pink flowers. Pleasantly tart and tangy, with a hint of sweetness, this red-fleshed variety is a sour apple lover’s delight. Red from the inside out, its tartness makes it an excellent baking apple, where heat helps to bring the acids down. Waxy, dark-red fruit will add an element of interest to your outdoor living space.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Fruit Snacks® All Red columnar apples
Botanical Name:Malus 'UEB 4772/1' PPAF

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained. Drought tolerant once established.
Hardiness Zone5a-8
Bloom Time:Spring - mid season
Bloom Color:Magenta pink
Fruit Timemid season
Fruit ColorRed
Fruit FlavorPleasantly tart and tangy with a hint of sweetness
Fruit Chill Hoursat least 500
Size:8-10' tall by 2-3' wide
Diseases & Pests:Good apple scab resistance.