Malus Fruit Snacks® Sweet Treat™
A delicate balance of sweet and sour
Easy to grow and care for due to their size, Fruit Snacks® columnar apples are ideal choices for small spaces. Trees grow 8-10’ tall and should be planted on 2’ centers for best results. Their cold hardiness and disease resistance make them a reliable choice for an edible privacy hedge or as accent plants in large containers. Like other apples, you will need two different varieties for pollination. Most Fruit Snacks™ apples bloom mid-season and will be good pollinizers for the others.
Aptly named for its mild, sweet taste and crisp flesh and skin, Sweet Treat™ delivers harmony to the home gardener at every level. Beginning in spring, a lovely blend of pink buds and white flowers will grace your garden space. A medium-sized, vigorous grower, this columnar apple brings a balanced acid-sugar ratio to the aromatic taste of its fruits. Trees are easy to grow, virus-free, and pest-resistant. Crunchy red apples blushed with green are so juicy they’ll make your mouth water! This is the perfect kid snack for after school; it is so crisp and sweet that they will return for more. As a bonus, Sweet Treat™ has good storage capabilities if you want to save some for later in the season!
Who Am I?
Common Name:Fruit Snacks® Sweet Treat™ columnar apple
Botanical Name:Malus 'UEB 4848/4 PPAF

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained. Drought tolerant once established.
Hardiness Zone5a-8
Bloom Time:mid spring
Bloom Color:Pink buds open to white flowers
Fruit Timemidseason
Fruit ColorRed with green blush
Fruit FlavorA delicate balance of sweet and sour
Fruit Chill Hoursat least 500
Size:8-10' tall by 2-3' wide
Diseases & Pests:Good apple scab resistance.
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Prune these columnar apples only to shape if needed. They really do not need pruning - they are bred for small spaces.