Anemone Frilly Knickers™
Ruffled, double flowers with lavender backs
Anemone Frilly Knickers is the one we have been waiting for! Many new anemones have come onto the market promising double white, bi-color flowers on a vigorous, clump-forming plant, but so many have been a disappointment. Leave it to British gardening guru Rosemary Hardy to find one who is actually perfect and quite tough. Semi-double white flowers with the most adorably ruffled edges unfurl to reveal a surprise on their backside - a periwinkle lavender back and dark stems.
This is a tough plant, growing to 24" tall in full flower and completely covered in flowers. the tough, leathery, olive green leaves make for the perfect backdrop to the flowers. This is a great plant for the woodland edge, and all along the middle of any mixed border or sunny foundation planting.
Get your Frilly Knickers today and get your anemone panties out of a bunch because this, our friends, is the real deal!
Who Am I?
Common Name:Frilly Knickers windflower
Botanical Name:Anemone 'FP007' PP33416

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun to part shade
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained.
Hardiness Zone5-9
Bloom Time:Late summer
Bloom Color:White and lavendar
Size:18-20" tall by 18" wide
Diseases & Pests:None known