Hydrangea macrophylla Ruby Red™
Hard, deep red flowers
The color red often stirs up the emotional side of us. Frequently used to express love on Valentine’s Day, it excites our emotions and fills our hearts with positive energy. With Ruby Red in your garden, be prepared to feel the “stir”. The reddest hydrangea to date, this beauty will dazzle you with glistening-red gemstone-like color and non-stop performance. Dark green leaves are nearly black when they emerge, and offer a lovely backdrop for the durable, repeat-flowering blooms. As the flowers age, they fade to a deeper, dusky red-wine color, holding the passion we feel from them alive in their senescence.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Magical®️ Ruby Red hydrangea
Botanical Name:Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Kolmaru’ PP25104

Cultural Details
Light:Part sun-prefers afternoon shade
Soil:Average to rich garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained
Hardiness Zone5-9
Bloom Time:Summer on old and new wood
Bloom Color:Red or purple
Size:3' tall by 3-4' wide
Diseases & Pests:None known
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
If you live in the North: Cut off any dead wood in late May, after the leaves have started to unfurl. If you live in the South: Should you see any dead wood, prune it back to live wood in early spring, after the leaves have started to unfurl.