Aesculus Early Glow™
Early fall color and minimal fruit!
Like other Ohio buckeyes, this selection is an excellent landscape choice for natural settings, large parks, and extensive lawn areas. The very limited fruit production of the Early Glow™ buckeye may also lend its use to parkways, golf courses, parking lot islands, and other more-limited lawn areas where the fruit litter of the species would pose a problem. Plant it where its spring flowers, attractive silhouette, good summer foliage, and excellent early fall color can all be appreciated, but also consider its ultimate size and shading from its dense canopy in its siting. An attractive and durable selection of the Ohio buckeye, the Early Glow™ buckeye provides interest throughout the year. The yellow-green flowers contrast nicely with the newly expanded bright green leaves in the spring. Its superior resistance to leaf blotch and leaf scorch ensures the dark green summer foliage persists all season, unlike the leaves of many seed-grown Ohio buckeyes. The foliage turns bright red in September, early for a buckeye, and ahead of the other Ohio buckeye cultivars and hybrids available in the trade. The tree silhouette is uniform and attractive year-around. Unlike typical Ohio buckeyes, it sets very little fruit, ensuring minimal litter challenges. A breakthrough selection of a native tree!
Who Am I?
Common Name:Early Glow buckeye
Botanical Name:Aesculus glabra 'J.N. Select'
U.S. Native:YES

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Moist, deep, well-drained soil.
Moisture:It can withstand periodic flooding, and tolerates mild drought
Hardiness Zone4-7
Bloom Time:Mid-Spring
Bloom Color:Red
Size:The original tree measures approximately 30' tall by 20' wide at about 30 years of age. Its ultimate size may approach 35-40'tall
Diseases & Pests:The Early Glow™ buckeye has exhibited superior resistance to leaf blotch, leaf scorch, and mildew compared to typical seed-grown Aesculus glabra, resulting in a much improved leaf hold and quality late in the season. Drought or an overly dry site can cause these leaf problems on this and all other Ohio buckeyes.
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Early Glow™ buckeye is a seedling selection of the Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra) found in 1981 by Michael Yanny of JN Plant Selections, LLC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.