Phlox Pink Profusion
A profusion of violet-pink 1" flowers.
With its vibrantly colored and super-sized flowers, Phlox ‘Pink Profusion’ is an eye-catcher in the spring garden. Vibrant purple-pink flowers that are more than 1 inch wide cloak the plants for four to five weeks commencing in mid- to late April.
This selection holds court in spring with flowers that are not only larger than all other Phlox × procumbens selections blooming at the same time, but are also conspicuous for their vibrant purple-pink petals and dramatic red-purple striae to the center, which is ringed by a white halo. Regal and showy indeed! The remainder of the growing season, the plants settle into quiet, low clumps of green shoots cloaked in soft, small leaves, neither conspicuous or objectionable in any way. Use this striking selection in full sun to partial shade toward the front of the perennial border, in a mesic rock garden, on slopes, in the open woodland garden, and in similar sites. Mass it for a spring floral display. Ensure that it has some winter protection and is not grown either too dry or on poorly drained, wet soils.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Pink Profusion phlox
Botanical Name:Phlox 'Pink Profusion' PP25883
U.S. Native:YES

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun to part shade
Soil:Adaptable to many soil types.
Moisture:This plant seems to perform best on well-drained, lightly yet uniformly moist soils.
Hardiness Zone5-7
Bloom Time:Spring
Bloom Color:Deep Pink
Size:5" tall and 13" wide
Diseases & Pests:Unlike the summer-blooming phlox (Phlox maculata and Phlox paniculata), this phlox is not beset by powdery mildew or browsed by deer or rabbits. However, the basal evergreen foliage and shoots can take a beating over severe winters without adequate snow cover.
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
The parents of this hybrid phlox are Phlox subulata ‘McDaniel’s Cushion’, which is a large-flowered selection of the moss phlox native to dry serpentine hills, shale barrens, and other rocky habitats in the eastern United States, and a pink-flowered seedling of the creeping phlox, Phlox stolonifera, which is a mesic woodland species of the Appalachian Mountains also in the eastern U.S. Selected in 2009 from a cross made in 2007 at the Chicago Botanic Garden by Jim Ault, Ph.D.